by Elise Bowerman
More and more doctors and researchers are finding the benefits of incorporating yoga into a treatment plan for those suffering from traumatic experiences and/or post-traumatic stress syndrome. One of the largest discoveries in treating trauma is for the person to be among peers during the healing process. No cookie-cutter, one-fits-all method is working. A yoga class dedicated to trauma victims is a healthy and safe way to begin or maintain the healing process no matter what the trauma may be.
As information grows, so will this list to help you heal yourself or loved one.
- Will Yoga and Medicine Unite?, by Veronica Zador, Yoga Alliance, January 2014
- Yoga and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, an interview with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, from On Being, July 2013
- Yoga: Changing The Brain's Stressful Habits: How Yoga Changes Your Brain, by Alex Korb, Ph.D. in PreFrontal Nudity, September 2011
Yoga Classes for Mindfulness
Please note these are not for any specific area of trauma, the teacher(s) take a slow, exploratory approach to movement and the mind in a safe and gentle way.
Be sure to share what you are comfortable with in regard to your situation/trauma. Teachers need to be aware of what state you are in physically and mentally so that they can be effective in your recovery and yoga practice.
Private, one-on-one sessions are strongly encouraged, as well.
- Yoga for the Emotional Body at Namasté, Royal Oak