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Prenatal yoga benefits

Yoga & movement

Outside of the endless benefits of yoga, a prenatal yoga class is the perfect place to explore yoga for the first time or learn how to incorporate your growing belly into a regular yoga practice. 

Prenatal yoga is more of work-in than a work-out. There's plenty of opportunities to get your work-out on elsewhere.

You are now in a phase of life where it is essential for the health of you and baby to carve out time to be with yourself within a group of women who are also pregnant.

Ultimate preparation for labor and birth

Physical benefits

Prevents and relieves physical discomfort by mobilizing and improving posture. 

Prepares for birthing through strengthening and grounding postures (asanas.) These increase endurance and resilience, allowing the body to move organically. (Which is essential to be able to maintain stamina and commitment.) Cultivates relaxation through visualization and breathing exercises (pranayama.)

Aids in postpartum repair by maintaining and/or improving physical fitness level throughout pregnancy and practicing pelvic floor exercises (mula bandha.)

Increases circulation of energy flow (i.e. blood flow, prana, etc.)

Emotional and spiritual benefits

Relieves stress.

Confidence is gained in your miraculous, developing body.

Nurtures an acceptance and connection with baby.

Develop trust in self, baby and process of birth by tapping into "primal" self and intuition.

Receive support, laugh, cry, and let go of what you can't control while being in community (kula) with like-hearted expecting women navigating their own journey into motherhood.

"A relaxed state does not necessarily require a
soft and floppy body:
it is more centered on peace of mind,
acceptance of natural processes and
a willingness to embrace all that labour may offer."
- Andrea Robertson, Childbirth Educator & Author

Postures (asanas) to avoid

Anything lying on belly (lying on baby!)

Strong abdominal activation (working with rectus abdominus) (i.e. breath of fire, extended holding of breath, etc.)

Deep twisting from navel down - upper back/shoulder rotation is OK.

Deep forward bends without space for baby. (Always create space for baby.)

Deep back-bends.

Inversions (unless it is part of your practice prior to pregnancy, or for therapeutic benefit.)

The transformative relationship with your teacher

Your prenatal yoga teacher will be the most unchanging and frequent supporter you see in pregnancy; likely, even more than your healthcare provider or any other birth-worker. 

On average, those expecting visit their healthcare provider (OB/GYN or midwife) for a total of 17 times in pregnancy. If they invest in childbirth education courses they may see their instructor between one to 12 times. 

If you join prenatal yoga after the first trimester continuing until the estimated due date - or beyond - you will see your yoga teacher about 28 times! The classes are often at least 75-minutes in length, providing you 35 hours as a consistent pregnancy and childbirth advocate.

Many times there are ample opportunities to personally connect with your teacher, too. Giving you personalized attention and care. More importantly though, is time to chat and meet with your pregnant cohorts to build relationships with now so you can reconnect after babies arrive earth-side.

You may even be able to attend more than one prenatal yoga class per week - giving yourself even more time to honor what was, is, and to step forward as your most empowered self... Mama Bear.

Prenatal yoga teachers offer support for those navigating their way through pregnancy, preparing for childbirth and bringing baby home. There is no agenda to enforce what works for one person to work for another. The time together is about normalizing the innate physiological and emotional transformation you are on with encouragement that you are capable of handling whatever comes your way.

Building self-confidence and acceptance for however this journey may go is highest priority.

Science of prenatal yoga

Please note: Our modern science continuously proves ancient and cultural practices to be true. Modern science has yet to disprove any practice or form of medicine that comes from an indigenous culture and/or has lasted thousands of years, like the practice of yoga.

Mindfulness During Pregnancy Linked to Healthier Birth Weight in Newborns, 2017

Yoga during pregnancy: The effects on labor pain and delivery outcomes, 2016

Yoga in Pregnancy: An Examination of Maternal and Fetal Responses to 26 Yoga Postures, 2015

Studies Show Consistent Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Systematic Review of Yoga for Pregnant Women: Current Status and Future Directions, 2012

Yoga may help expectant mums cope with depression, 2012