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My MUTU System Story

Elise's reflections
Five years after my last child was born, I still had feelings of heaviness, discomfort, tinkling when I laughed or coughed too much, and pain in the right sitz bone area. As a pregnancy and postpartum yoga specialist I thought what I was doing "should" be enough, but obviously it wasn't.

I needed to seek other resources to figure out how to avoid surgery. 

At my next gyno appointment I requested a prescription for a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist (PFPT.) This doctor did say I was a candidate for surgery; however, he was happy to meet my request. (I was a stage three out of four pelvic organ prolapse (POP).)

Visits with a PFPT

At the initial consultation with the PFPT I realized how different physical therapists look at the body compared to doctors and most midwives. PT's are trained in the musculoskeletal system, whereas the scope of practice for doctors and midwives traditionally is not.

After the second appointment (the first exercise appointment) I noticed a difference! The pain in my right sitz bone subsided tremendously. Raised as a skeptic on just about everything - I thought maybe I'm imagining the relief... it won't last long.

Well, two days later I got out of the passenger side of the car by sliding my right leg out, then right hip down a little, pressing down into the right foot to stand up. This shifted my pelvis in a horrible way. I literally stopped in my tracks. After taking some deep breaths, looking at my husband I said, "I think this is the amount of pain I've been in for years, but because it was constant, I grew numb to it." 

Returning back to the PFPT I told her what happened. She gave me the exact exercises to do to alleviate the pain, and how to avoid it in the first place. It all worked. And still does today.

Upon being discharged from care, the PFPT provided a couple copied pelvic floor and core health workout exercises to do. Now, I'm not one to work out at home, so I felt this as a HUGE challenge. I really do well when someone holds me accountable.

So, I did not follow the archaic 1995 handouts.

MUTU to the rescue

Soon after I came across MUTU System...I still questioned: an online program that over 50,000 women really love??? Seriously? I don't even watch yoga videos.

Why would I spend my time figuring out how to login, which video to watch, blah blah blah... sounds boring. Will it keep my attention?

But I gave it a whirl. To my surprise MUTU System fit right into my lifestyle! 

An online core and pelvic floor training program (core/restore plus cardio intensives) with a tracking system to check off modules, clear guidance, and an online community! It is clearly designed for busy moms.

Understanding what I learned with the PFPT, I was (and am) able to implement my personal needs into this program smoothly. 

(By no means do you need to visit a PFPT in order to benefit from MUTU System. It's how I became open to it, so that's what I know, but thousands of women have never been to a PFPT and have amazing results!)

Only seven days into the program my husband noticed a difference my stomach area getting flatter! (I didn't tell him anything I was doing - as I wanted to see if the program did in fact produce the results I was hoping for... and it does!) 

The confidence I have about my body and myself has soared since my first day. My body is fully functional with no heaviness, leaking, or pain! Wohoo! Plus, as an experienced yoga teacher - working on the pelvic floor energetically builds stability in the mind. (I could go on for days about the energetic qualities of the pelvic floor and lower torso... but that's for another post.)

This is why I invested to be a Certified MUTU Pro. I have to share this information to other women. It is the missing piece of many yoga and fitness classes and will support women to be confident by having a functioning body. You will benefit! It's a game changer.

Every woman who has any concerns about her core or pelvic floor health will benefit from this program. (And getting back into the energy of humans - if she has a tendency to question her own decision making skills - this will help build self-confidence.) 

It doesn't matter if she birthed 6 weeks ago, or if her 'baby' is having babies, or even how she birthed. It is never too late to start. This method works.

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As your MUTU Pro I'm happy to answer questions and support you through this program. Connect with me anytime.