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Calling in your spirit baby.

Parenting Resources

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking with Ariele Myers, founder of Wisdom of the Womb. We explored the profound impact birth psychology has on shaping our lives and children's well-being.

Whether you're a mother, expecting, or simply curious about how our early life experiences shape us, this conversation holds valuable insights.

If you're ready to watch or listen to our conversation - click here.

Birth psychology highlights how the emotional and physical experiences during conception, pregnancy, and early childhood shape our lifelong perceptions.

If you (or your children) typically have sleep issues, intense emotional triggers, a sense of disconnection from their own body, chronic anxiety or fear, or difficulty with change - these may be signs of early imprints which probably will benefit from repair.

Wouldn't it be a dream if our children didn't have to heal as much we have to?!

Repair now.

Prevent the need for further repair later.

Here's a time line breakdown of our chat:

13:30 We are all spirit babies ✨ How our ancestors shape who we are today.

20:05 Healing my own mother wound.

27:27 It is never too late to repair; when healing is necessary.

33:00 What are spirit babies? The power we have as creators; mothers.

35:45 Sacred work of calling in your spirit baby in conception and pregnancy.

39:30 Experience a connection / dialogue with your spirit baby.

Building a dialogue can be uncomfortable in the beginning. Whether you're calling in your spirit baby or talking to your children on Earth.

What I do know is - my children LOVE to hear about what life was like when I was pregnant, how they were born, how they were cared for, and what happened when emergencies came up.

It affirms something inside them - like they already knew, but had no conscious memory of. It's like pieces of a puzzle falling into place.

I encourage you to explore your own birth story or reflect on how your early experiences might still shape you. If you’re a parent, this awareness can help you guide your children’s emotional and physical well-being.

Let me share more in our video, click here.